Sunday, March 12th
Time: 7:00 – 8:30pm
Instructor: James Hardy
Location: Multi-Purpose Room
CEUs: 0.5 per session
Explore with your senses the magical world of wine-making! In each session, New Orleans native and COL resident, James Hardy will take us around the wine-making regions of the world, uncovering their unique history and terroir. Participants will learn the traditional wine-making styles along with the most common grape & wine varieties from that Month’s selected region. March will feature two wines from Napa Valley! Following the historical account of a famous wine tasting between French wine and California’s burgeoning wine industry, we will learn about Bottleshock and other transformations during the wine-making process. James Hardy’s thirst for wine developed while working at a wine shop in Louisiana as a young man. His passion and interest grew over time, taking courses on Wine while working at Tulane University.