Admission is based on class availability.
Admission and Registration
Student Body
The composition of the students at our Campus mirrors the outside world. The Campus accepts students from all walks of life. Young and old, traditional and non-traditional all attend with the common, unifying interest of obtaining knowledge and skills which lead to a good healthy and meaningful life. Our participants encompass full time or part time students, Ascent residents (a multi-family residence) as well as people from the community at large.
Campus of Life is an accredited provider of Continuing Education and Training that provides an overview of the organization, assures the quality of learning experiences, and brings current operations to the highest level required. The accreditation process is a very rigorous one, examining our process of teaching, evaluating faculty, selecting courses to include in the program and demonstrating value in reaching relevance to our students’ goals. In earning this seal of approval, we hope to ensure the deliverance of the best instruction and learning experience at the highest standards available today in the community.
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) are valuable in evaluating compensation for employees and applying these CEUs towards professional requirements. What are (CEUs)? The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is a uniform measure of non-credit postsecondary-level study. Employers, licensing agencies and others who require a specific number of hours of instruction for career placement or advancement generally accept this unit of measure. You may earn one CEU for every 10 contact hours in continuing education program. Courses are assigned a number of credit hours based on the amount of work required as represented in the course learning outcomes and student achievements (information will be provided in the Student Syllabus and by the Dean).
Academic Year and the Semester System
The academic year at Campus of Life consists of two semesters of daytime and evening learning activities. Terms are 20 weeks of scheduled classes in length and commence in the fall and in the winter. Classes at Campus of Life generally commence from September to June with ample learning opportunities. There may be some offering in the summer (July-August) with shorter courses and activities. Information on summer activities will be posted on the web site.
Who can enroll & How:
Applicants for admission are accepted without regard to age, race, color, religion, creed, disability, national or ethnic origin or gender or orientation. Enrollment is normally reserved for adult students 18 years of age and older. Campus of Life may consent to enroll younger students based on special academic, social competence and approval of the instructor and Dean. An interview and a complete application is required.
Students must be 21 to enroll in programs and courses where wine or other alcoholic beverages are studied and served. The course description describes the minimum requirements for admission.
Ascent students (residential campus) will meet the guidelines of the leasing contracts and schedule to meet with the Dean.
Students living on campus are required to be enrolled in 8 credits per semester to be eligible for student housing.
Process: Students can enroll in-person at COL office and on the phone Monday – Friday at business hours. The Dean will make all efforts to personally meet with students and assist with their needs and expectations.
Course Enrollment: Classes have a usual 15 person minimum enrollment in order to open. Students will be contacted by phone or email regarding class changes.
Open Door Policy
Campus of Life employs an open door policy accepting students without evidence of previous education, experience, or references. If there is a course or track that requires certain level of skill or certification it will be written in the course description. In addition, Campus of Life operates an ‘Open Door Communication’ policy to students, and staff. The purpose of this policy is to encourage open flow of communication, have a fast access to information and feedback and promote a culture of friendly openness. If you have any questions or concerns about the learning experiences and environment our administration and leadership is here to help you. For more information please contact the Dean’s office (
Refund Policy
If an applicant never attends class (“no show”) or cancels the agreement prior to the class start day, all refunds due will be made within 30 days. For an enrolled student, the refund due will be calculated using the last date of attendance minus registration fee if applicable. If an applicant is not accepted to Campus of Life, a full refund will be made to the applicant.
Program cancellation: If COL cancels a program subsequent to a student’s enrollment, COL will refund all moneys paid by the students.
Books and Supplies
Students are responsible for obtaining and paying for the required textbooks, extra supply fees (i.e., additional fees for cooking or painting class) and online services when applicable. Required textbooks for curricula may be purchased, if available, through Campus of Life. Information about required text will be provided in class promotions and in the Student Syllabus.
On occasion, students may borrow specific books or resources at the beginning of each semester and return them in good condition at the end of the semester. Students will be required to pay the full price for all unreturned and / or damaged books/resources. The Campus reserves the right to request a deposit to cover replacement costs of the books should they not be returned in good condition.
Curricula and Courses
Program Design
All Campus of Life courses and programs are designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills that enables them to perform successfully in life, in their chosen career or path as well as to continue their formal and informal learning. COL offers a variety of courses:
Theology, which grants S’micha Ordination is a three year course of study requiring four years of Yeshiva/High School or equivalent for admittance to the program. The curriculum follows through the four sections of the Code of Jewish Law and is led by a faculty of internationally renowned Rabbi’s and Professors.
A variety of classes, with various subjects from history to art and fitness with ample cultural, and social opportunities were designed to better the student’s life and reach their goals.
This learning system is led with a well-supported and caring community of instructors who not only transfer the knowledge/skill but also connect learners to each other, the content and various opportunities. In the startup phase of our new Campus of Life Program, we will be offering a fluid and flexible curricula that will be updated periodically. Any changes in the class schedule will be posted on the web site and in printed pamphlet in various spaces of the complex and Campus.
The non-degree program includes two educational concentrations of learning modalities that can be taught in-person:
Master and Mini-Courses: This option offers up to six week courses and lecture series as well as Master Courses, with ten or more weekly sessions. Led by committed and qualified instructors, these learning events will include a broad selection of topics such as finance, art, cooking, yoga, meditation and mindfulness, and spiritual studies. The courses can be taken as a certificate or non-certificate program (toward CEU).
Customized learning: Customized Learning includes needs assessment, setting up goals & expectations; customized curricula, and accountability application. These services, guided by COL’s Academic Dean and faculty, are intend to strengthen and assist individual students to reach their academic goals. Another possibility of a customized learning may be a mentoring work of one-on-one with an instructor who guides student development of a specific project. This program also enables students enrolling in local colleges in San Diego to access the support of a caring community when away from home and family. That project may be geared toward a portfolio art piece or other advanced goal. Together, the student and instructor arrange to meet at a museum, studio, cafe, or other site of design interest for ten hours over the course of the semester plus two hours of at-home work. Students may only complete this mentorship in person. An individualized customized education can be taken as a certificate or non-certificate program. It is a service for a fee and will be provided and developed per student request. For more information please contact the Dean’s office (
Academic Freedom and Responsibility
Academic freedom is the particular freedom of scholars, teachers and students within the learning organization to pursue knowledge, speak, and write without unreasonable restriction. It is that freedom to be judged as scholar, teacher or student, when such judgment is necessary, on the basis of legitimate intellectual and professional criteria, not personal beliefs, political views, religious or other individual preferences, except as these may demonstrably affect intellectual and professional achievement.
Campus of Life encourages and maintains full freedom of teaching and research. However, each faculty member is asked not to introduce into her/his teaching controversial matter which has no relation to his subject” (American Association of University Professors, 1940 Statement of “Principles of Academic Freedom”). Each member of the faculty is required to be loyal to the Constitution, laws and Democratic principles of the United States of America. There is no freedom to express disrespect of the government or to advocate change other than through the legitimated processes of our Democratic government and the laws of the United States.
Instructor: The faculty member has an obligation to fulfill his/her teaching and research/development responsibilities. The faculty member’s primary responsibility to his/her subject is to seek and to state the truth as he/she sees it. To this end the faculty member devotes his/her energies to developing and improving his/her scholarly/professional competence. The faculty member accepts the obligation to exercise critical self-discipline and judgment in using, extending and transmitting knowledge. The faculty member practices academic honesty. As a member of this university, the faculty member seeks above all to be an effective teacher.
Students: Students are entitled to an atmosphere conducive to learning and to even-handed treatment in all aspects of the teacher-student relationship. Faculty members may not refuse to enroll or teach students on the grounds of students’ beliefs or the possible uses to which they may put the knowledge to be gained in a course. A faculty member may not use the authority inherent in the instructional role to sexually harass, to discriminate against by reason of sex, sexual orientation, color, race, handicap, religion, or national origin, or to compel the student to make particular personal choices as to political action or his/her own role in society. Evaluation of students and award of credit must be based on academic performance professionally judged and not on matters irrelevant to that performance, such as personality, race, religion, politics, sex, sexual orientation or personal beliefs.
Courses: It is a faculty member’s position, based on mastery of his/her subject and his/her own scholarship, which entitles the faculty member to freedom in the presentation of his/her subject. Thus, it is improper for a faculty member persistently to intrude material which has no relation to his/her subject, or to fail to present the subject matter of his/her course as approved generally by the faculty in its collective responsibility for the curriculum.
The Academic Community: Membership in the academic community imposes on faculty members (as well as on students, staff and trustees) an obligation to respect the dignity of others, to acknowledge their right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, freedom of inquiry and instruction, and free expression of ideas on and off COL. Activities related to Campus of Life or the Campus community may not be carried out in ways which injure, discriminate against by reason of sex, sexual orientation, color, race, handicap, religion, or sexually harass individuals, damage property, or interfere with the rights of others.
Ethical Standards and Open Door
Campus of Life has been conducting its activities with integrity, fairness, and in accordance with the highest ethical standards. As a student, you enjoy the benefits of that reputation in a caring and supportive environment. If you are in doubt whether a certain activity or program meets our ethical standards please let us know. Our door is open! Students are encouraged to share their concerns, seek information, provide input, and resolve problems/issues through their immediate faculty, and with any member of the administration toward those ends. Reciprocally, COL instructors are expected to listen to student concerns and, when possible, seek resolution to their issues.
Unlawful Harassment or Discrimination
COL is committed to adhering to and providing an environment that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Any harassment is prohibited by Campus of Life as well as by State and Federal law.
Thus, any person engaging in such verbal or physical conduct which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment by such conduct may be asked to leave the COL immediately. Actions, words or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment is a form of conduct that is demeaning to another person and is strictly prohibited. Specifically, the Campus of Life prohibits: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and all other forms of verbal, physical and offensive behavior is prohibited. Any harassment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for students and termination of employment for faculty and staff.
Any student or employee who feels that he/she is being subjected to a form of harassment prohibited by this policy should notify his/her instructor or the Dean immediately.
Student Grievance
Students have a right to grieve- dispute or complain. Campus of Life provides a procedure to ensure grievances are fairly heard. If you believe you were subject to an administrative or academic decision that is without foundation in law in or COL policy, please forward the original decision letter along with a written statement that explains the unique facts of your claim to the Office .For more information on this policy and procedure please contact the Dean (
Non-Discriminatory Policy
Campus of Life shall adhere to all applicable nondiscrimination laws and regulations. The Campus shall admit students of any age, race, color, religion, creed, disability, national or ethnic origin, or gender or orientation to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to its students and shall not discriminate on the basis of race in administration of its educational policies, admission, and programs.
Privacy and Release of Student Records & Information
Student records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), federal regulations which assign rights to students and responsibilities to educational institutions regarding students' education records. The Act governs the maintenance and release of information from those records. Campus of Life is committed to the privacy and security of our students. Our policy complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) - sometimes called the Buckley Amendment - which establishes students’ rights and institutions’ responsibilities regarding the privacy of education records. It provides guidelines for maintaining the confidentiality of education records and monitoring the release of information from those records. Release of Student Record Information is generally not done without the expressed, written consent of the student. There are some exceptions regarding Directory Information, emergency situation, and subpoenas (lawfully issued. For more information about rights of students with respect to their educational records please contact the Dean’s office.
Please see the admissions office for full policies and catalog.