Date: Wednesday(s) November 1, 15, 29
Time: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Instructor: Beth Hogan
Location: COL Learning Suite
CEU: 0.3 per lesson
Our bodies require movement for optimal health, and this class invites you to explore your body in a safe, mindful, and purposeful way. We’ll practice all your favorite yoga poses and move from one to the next while focusing on conscious breathing to relax you into each posture. If you work at a desk or have a lot on your mind, this is the class for you. Beth Hogan, is a certified yoga, Pilates, Meditation and Plant-Base Nutrition instructor.
After years of working out and experiencing the life-changing benefits of a regular fitness regimen, Beth left her job in corporate training to pursue a career in teaching group fitness classes. She is veteran teacher at Campus of Life and we are excited to have her back!