Elective 2021
Friday, March 5
(6:00 – 6:45PM)
Instructor: Maria Baird
Instructor: Maria Baird
Prerequisite: Please register with Ilana (dean@campusoflife.com)
Location/Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/868958621?pwd=NlRlNER6Qy9vM2dqOTNNQzA1a2xsUT09
Prerequisite: None
Our life seems to get busier by the minute with non-stop news, social media, work and family demands and more. It feels that we have lots of mental and physical clutter in our life, especially this year. So how about a new beginning?
Join us and explore the benefits of giving room for the things you really want and need. We will discuss some simple yet effective ways to help you de-clutter your mind in no time by getting rid of all that non-essential mental baggage and more.
Maria Baird is a co-owner of the American Schools of Martial Arts in LA County. She has been traveling around the US teaching topics such as mindfulness, gratitude and prayer as well as teaching martial arts in her schools.